聽風的歌 Hear the wind sing
聽風的歌 Hear the wind sing

2012, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 46x28x21cm

盒子裡的心事 Thoughts from inside the box
盒子裡的心事 Thoughts from inside the box

2009, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 19.5x15x7cm

智慧 wisdom
智慧 wisdom

2012, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 39x17x12cm

農作 Farm Work
農作 Farm Work

2011, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 鐵, 30x30x13cm, 28x26x16cm

飛行 Flying
飛行 Flying

2010, Terracotta, 礦物顏料,木材, 54x41x10cm

上街去 Go to town
上街去 Go to town

2010, Terracotta, 礦物顏料,10x9x4cm

沈思  Meditation
沈思 Meditation

2013, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 29.5x46x21cm

穿長靴工作 Wear boots to work
穿長靴工作 Wear boots to work

2017, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 30x19x12cm

曾經 At some point in the past
曾經 At some point in the past

2017, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 30x19x12cm

前進中 Moving Forward
前進中 Moving Forward

2017, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 30x19x12cm

起風時 Blowing in the wind
起風時 Blowing in the wind

2009, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 25x11x5cm

穿毛衣的日子 The day to wear a sweater
穿毛衣的日子 The day to wear a sweater

2012, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 21x17x12cm


2014, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 30x23x19cm


2014, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 50x20x10cm


2014, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 木材, 28x14x7cm

戴圍巾的冬天 Wearing a winter scarf
戴圍巾的冬天 Wearing a winter scarf

2014, Terracotta, 礦物顏料, 32x11x7cm