當我雙手碰觸土,專注在創作作品時,透過土我感受到自身與自然的連結,此時 泥土不單單只是物質,它是可以與人互動的生命體。同時,土也是孕育自然的源 頭,我從土的經驗中進而深入探討人與自然宇宙間的關係,將此帶入創作主軸。
自然萬物由土而生,入土而息,化為塵土後再轉而成為另一種生命體誕生。我試 著將植物與動物,各種生命現象作為融合體,從雕塑去表達「萬物皆一」的概念。 也藉此詮釋生命生生不息,落土的瞬間同時之間也是另一個新生命的誕生。一顆 種子裡也同時蘊含著各種生命的過往。
同時,從創作中,我體悟到生命的「一瞬」。 當土是柔軟狀態時,它是自由的,我用手的力道和方向,慢慢地建築雕塑出我預 想的造型。有時「土」會出乎意料之外的形成一個自己沒有想到的痕跡或形體, 我觀看此時作品的變化,如同一道風吹過沙洲撩起的痕紋,也如同海浪拍打沙灘 的瞬間波浪,或者是樹木強而有力,往天伸張的枝幹。大自然所展現的力與美, 在宇宙時空裡皆是一瞬。土的材質與藝術創作和生命的道理皆是相通。
近年以「生命之樹」系列創作中探討「生命之樹」在古文明信仰中的意義,先人 與自然之間的緊密關係,希望藉由自身的創作能重新思考領會天地之間的真理, 以謙卑的心領受自然的給予。
‘‘Born of Earth’’
Soil is the medium with which my creations are born. It is also how I communicate with the world around me.
When I touch the soil with my hands and focus on creating my works, I feel the bond between myself and nature through the soil. At this time, soil is not only matter, it is a living body that can interact with people. At the same time, soil is also the source and nourishment of nature. From the experience of using soil, I further explored the profound relationship between man and the natural universe, and I have brought this inspiration into my creations.
Everything in nature is born of the earth, and returns to eternal rest in the earth. It then turns into soil and that in turn helps create another life form. I try to fuse plants, animals, and various observations of “living beings” into my creations, so that I may convey the concept of "everything is one" from my sculptures.
It also interprets my belief that life is endless, and the moment of eternal rest in the earth marks the birth of another new life. A single seed is also the culmination of the history of previous lives lived.
At the same time, from my creations, I have grasped the "fleeting" nature of life.
When the soil is soft, it is free. With the strength and direction of my hands, I slowly build and sculpt the earth into the shape I desire. Sometimes the "earth" will unexpectedly form a trace or shape that I did not expect. I always appreciate the transformation of the creation through this process, like a pattern raised by the wind blowing over a sandbank, or like a wave when a sea wave hits the beach, or the sheer strength of a tree, their branches stretching into the sky. The power and beauty displayed by nature are but an ephemeral moment in the universe. Soil as a material is deeply intertwined with the principles of artistic creation and life.
"Tree of Life" is a core series of creative works found in "Born of Earth", and sets the tone for the whole line of works. Through the works, I attempt to explore the significance of the "Tree of Life" in the belief systems of ancient civilizations, as well as the close bond between our ancestors and nature. I hope that through my own creations, I can rethink and comprehend the essence of truth found between heaven and earth, and receive the gifts of nature with a truly humble heart.